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Awakening Sleeping Call of Duty Black Ops 4

The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 The subject of this article appeared in Zombies mode

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Electromagnetic Awakening Party is the main quest achievement/trophy for Alpha Omega in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, which Ultimis and Primis combine forces to start the Grand Scheme that Nikolai Belinski has created after reading the Kronorium.

Step 1: Contain the Gas Leak

When the power is restored the computer system will give an alert stating that the facility is currently has a Nova 6 gas leak and requires ventilation. Travel into the bunker behind the Green or Yellow houses and continue to travel until the Generator Room where a terminal by the generators is glowing red. Interacting with the terminal will start an area defence with the Generator being locked down for a minute while Nova 6 Bombers start to spawn in along with the general zombies. Upon the restart of the generators, the computer system will note that ventilation was unsuccessful due to multiple ventilation units failing. Returning to the surface, four houses will be visibly leaking Nova 6 gas, within or just outside the houses are ventilation units that require repairs along with multiple Jolting Jacks spawned in. Holding the interact button on them will restore their functionality as seen by the gauge, this will also spawn multiple zombies. After the four ventilation units are repaired, the computer system will note that the leak is contained and the Pack-a-Punch Machine will be opened in the Beds area of the bunker. Completion of the round will have Rushmore reactivate.

Step 2: Test the Emergency Broadcast System

Rushmore will instruct the crew to come to his terminal in Operations, becoming more agitated the longer it is delayed. Interacting with the terminal will start dialogue with Rushmore with him eventually telling the crew to find access codes for him. Purchase Galvaknuckles and head into the bunker, there are three tube televisions with one being in Beds, Lounge and Diner respectively. One will be turned on just on a blank screen. Melee a zombie nearby the television with the Galvaknuckles and the television screen will change to a test card designed after Broken Arrow before transmitting five codes comprised of a letter and four digits. The letters are identifiers to which house the numbers are for, as the letters correspond to the letters on the mailboxes outside the houses.

  • A is Yellow House
  • B is Green House
  • C is Prisoner Holding
  • D is Transfusion Facility
  • E is Operations
  • F is APD Interrogation

The digits are used to input into punch-clocks within the buildings, for example, A One, One, Zero, Zero is 11:00 in to the punch-clock within the Yellow Building. Interacting with the clock will advance it forward 15 minutes and meleeing it will advance it forward an hour. The order in which the codes are transmitted is in which order the codes must be input. Failure to correctly input the codes simply means that the sequence must be started from the first one again. If the codes are missed, the television can be interacted with once more whenever the test card reappears.

Inputting the codes will unlock traps within all the houses along with a free upgraded weapon in Prisoner Holding with the amount changing with how many players are within the game and a free Porter's Mark II Ray Gun in the upstairs of Operations, if picked up while in possession of the Ray Gun, it will replace it instead of the held weapon. However, As there are only five codes given. Interacting with the punch-clock within the location that a code wasn't given for will cause the clock to rapidly spin around until it rests on a time, this time is the access code. Return to Rushmore and input the code into the keypad beside his terminal. He'll exclaim that he still doesn't trust the crew and will deny access to the American Pyramid Device but will give the task of proving to him that you are committed to the core values of Broken Arrow.

Step 3: Pursue All Avenues of Science and Invention

Interact with Rushmore again and he will inform you that a Nova 6 Crawler is having an unusual reaction to Element 115 and wishes to analyse it. Travel down into the bunker and locate the Nova 6 crawler, which is glowing a harsh red and Rushmore will interject that it looks sickly and will most likely die with a single hit. Once you find it you must lead it back to the Transfusion Facility and to the staircase, where it'll scramble over the bookcase that is between the main room and the stairs, which after Rushmore will congratulate the crew as they respected the Core Value one of Broken Arrow.

Step 4: Preserve the Integrity of our Mission

Interact with Rushmore again to begin the next step. He will tell you that another intruder has stolen a canister of Element 115 and that you locate and return it. The intruder can be found locked behind a door in the stairwell between the Diner and Green House backyard. Melee'ing the door will alert the intruder, whom is revealed to be Marlton Johnson, who won't give up the canister nor even open the door. Continuous meleeing of the door will cause Rushmore to tell the crew to find a different method to coax Marlton out. However with an active Sergeant A.D.A.M. nearby, Marlton will change his tone, fearing that the A.D.A.M unit will kill him, throwing out the stolen canister of Element 115. Picking it up, Rushmore will instruct the crew to return it to the Transfusion Facility where it can be placed on a shelf by the doorway to the Green House Backyard. Rushmore will thank the crew for the aid on returning the stolen canister and the completion of Core Value two of Broken Arrow.

Step 5: Prevail over the Impossible to Open New Worlds

Interacting with Rushmore, he will go on that to expand his knowledge and to open new worlds, he will need a new component which is a new server. He tasks the crew to locate the server and to return it to a nearby open server slot. The server is located by a telepad in the same house as the power switch. Upon finding it, Rushmore will interject that it'll be of no use if it heats up too much. Having a Jolting Jack fire an electric ball at the casing where the server is will cause it to open, which it then can be interacted with to be picked up, however it cannot be ran back to Control without it overheating and becoming useless. To alleviate this issue, the set of telepads must be placed in the slot closest to the server itself and any location close to Control with the rest of the distance to be ran. Stamin-Up or the Path of Sorrows with a charge level of 2 can aid in this due to their speed increases. Place the server into an newly open slot beside the stairwell which Rushmore will congratulate the crew for using the telepads to prevail over the impossible.

With the new server installed, Rushmore requires three authorisation codes from three members of staff, lamenting that Pernell felt that Rushmore needed to rely on humans. Upon this, three paintings within the maps will start leaking a green smoke. They are located at:

- At the top of the stairs in Green House - Opposite Pack-A-Punch in the Beds area - On the wall next to the exit stairs in the Lounge

Using the "Brain Rot" Alternate Ammo Type and gaining control over a zombie, they will knock the paintings down, revealing the codes required for Rushmore. Collect all three and return to Rushmore to input all three of the codes. The codes must be input within a minute of each otherwise they will need to be input once more. With the codes input, the server will become active for Rushmore to use and completing the third Core Value.

Step 6: Protect the Values of the American Dream

To prove the crews patriotism and to protect the American Dream, Rushmore will require a dog, a blender and the dentures of George Washington. However before the task can be fully given, the facility's power will start to shut down, causing Rushmore to panic, changing the task to rather restore the power before his batteries die. To do so, there are six Power Boxes within the entire Bunker that need to be checked and flipped to the correct position if needed. The position and location of the power boxes are:

  • Lounge - ↓ Down
  • Diner - ↑ Up
  • Beds - ↑ Up
  • Solitary - ↓ Down
  • Generators - ↑ Up
  • Storage - ↓ Down

Once all the lights on the power box are green, travel to the power switch and return power to the facility by flipping the switch. Doing so is enough proof to Rushmore about the crew's patriotism and their willingness of the fourth Core Value.

Step 7: Prepare for Tomorrow and Humanity's Future

Interact with Rushmore once again to start the final Core Value, preparation for the future for as long as Broken Arrow is ready, humanity will have a future. Rushmore will tell the crew that the broken A.D.A.M unit within the APD Interrogation currently houses a human spirit, one of majorly important value to the future of all of humanity and to free him, the A.D.A.M unit will need to be repaired. During this, a multitude of new A.D.A.M units will have spawned across the map with one producing sparks. Interacting with the sparking A.D.A.M unit will cause it to go into overload, which the crew must stay beside to allow it to self-destruct. If any of the crew leave the marked area, the A.D.A.M unit will cease functioning and will require interaction again. This must be done with three total units to obtain a suitable head and two arms for the broken A.D.A.M unit.

With the parts in hand, interacting with the broken unit will repair it and reveal that the soul is that of Peter McCain, one of the heads of Broken Arrow, who will give the crew permission to access the American Pyramid Device. However before that happens, Rushmore wishes to transfer the soul of Peter into a more suitable vessel and requires a secret project of his, the Elemental Orb. Rushmore will ask for the crew, now being guests rather than intruders, to locate the Elemental Orb which is located somewhere around the map, often behind zombie spawn areas. Upon finding it, the crew must follow the floating Elemental Orb around the map until it reaches the APD Interrogation where the soul of Peter will be transferred to it, completing the final Core Value. However if the crew strays too far from the Orb while it is travelling, it will reset position and require the next round to be started before it can be found again, getting an angry response from Rushmore.

Step 8: Overwhelm our Enemies with Shock and Awe

With Peter within the Elemental Orb and access granted by him for the crew to access the American Pyramid Device and the Elemental Shard within, Rushmore will tell them to head to the APD Control and to the console bank. Interacting with it will have A.D.A.M units start to spawn in with Rushmore interjecting that they are being used to house souls for use in charging the soul canisters around the APD. Killing A.D.A.M units will cause the empty soul canister to be eventually filled up which will cause the APD to open and reveal the Avogadro was within in it who is revealed to be the facility director, Cornelius Pernell, to which the automated systems will be set off with the alert level of midnight and the fail-state protocols being enabled, locking down the bunker and causing a nuclear detonation in the facility above.

Four backup soul canisters that can be found in the Lounge, Diner, Storage and Beds area need to be filled to contain the Avogadro. With each room being activated, all members of the crew must be in the same area. When one is activated, the Avogadro will move to that area and start attacking within it. When filled up, it will drop a Max Ammo and Carpenter power-up however the Avogadro will start to charge up before filling the room with electricity causing massive damage to any members of the crew caught in the initial burst along with the room becoming hazardous to even enter.

With all four backup canisters filled up, the APD will be recharged and Rushmore will instruct the crew to get the Avogadro back into the APD. Whilst in the APD Control room with the Avogadro, he must be lured either by pushing him by constantly shooting at him or by slowly coordinating him to the stairs to the APD doorway. When he is in range, the APD will start to suck him inside, trapping him once more inside. The facility will alert that transport is now possible, with Rushmore saying that the main console will insinuate the procedure, doing so will transport the Avogadro to the Hanford site.

Rushmore will thank you on behalf of Broken Arrow, the President of the United States and the nation, opening the APD once more to allow the crew to get the Elemental Shard and starting the ending cutscene.


  • The name of the easter egg is a callback to Moon - specifically to Cryogenic Slumber Party.

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Achievements and Trophies of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4

My Home is the Arena · Venerated Warrior · Skilled Adversary · The Slaughterhouse · Gong like the Wind · Gift of Serket · Here Kitty, Kitty · Acidic Alchemy · Constellation Prize · Abandon Ship · Off the Deep End · A Little Pack Here, a Little Punch There · Rock, Paper, Plasma · I Know a Shortcut · Stoking the Flames · Stowaway · Swimming with the Fishes · Kraken Unfettered · Trialling Experience · West Side for Life · Gat Trick · Historical Reenactment · Hot Stuff Coming Through · Match Made in Hell · Most Escape Alive · Paranormal Patch Up · Senseless Axe of Violence · Throw a Dog a Bone · Multiplicitous · High Score · Team Player · Zombies 101 · Jack of All Blades, Master of Guns · The Doctor is In · Perkaholic Relapse · Straw Purchase · Prestigious Award


My First Win · Not a Fluke · Specialist Super Fan · Zombie Fanatic · Blackout Historian


Battle Tested · Special Issue Equipment · Special Issue Weaponry · Vanquisher · Welcome to the Club

Specialist HQ

Centennial · MP 101 · Skirmisher · Sleuth · Stargazer

PS4 Only



Cold War Remedy · Breaking the Ice · Shock Value · Power Struggle · Preemptive Strike · The Highest Office · Crawl for Help · Step on the Gas · Pent-up-agon · Going Everywhere Fast

Dead of the Night

Trial by Ordeal · Alchemical Opus · Mega Bite · Board Gamer · On the Clock · Master Your Craft · Quick Thinking · Shockingly Good Time · Shrinking Feeling · Well Done

Ancient Evil

Greek Tragedy · Devoted Follower · A Worthy Tribute · Move Mountains · No Obol · Too Close to the Sun · A Mighty Wind · Fly Like an Eagle · The Best Offense is a Good Defense · Four Old Gods

Alpha Omega

Electromagnetic Awakening Party · Checkpoint Zulu · Ray Gun Bonanza · Entrapment Entrepreneur · Nuketown Hustle · Galvanizer · Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! · Ray-gnarok · Experimental Prototype · It's a Toss-Up

Tag Der Toten

Salvation Lies Above · Everybody Freeze! · Fetch · Lifeline · Going Green · Mile High Jug · Abnormal Energy Bill · Pack Your Bags · Bell of the Snowball · Secret

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Main Quests (Treyarch)
Call of Duty: Black Ops

Casimir Mechanism · Stand-in · Ensemble Cast · Time Travel Will Tell · Richtofen's Grand Scheme

Call of Duty: Black Ops II

Tower of Babble · High Maintenance · Pop Goes the Weasel · No One Escapes Alive · Mined Games · Little Lost Girl

Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Apocalypse Averted · Paradoxical Prologue · My Brother's Keeper · Seeds of Doubt · Love and War · For The Good Of All · A Better Tomorrow

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4

Abandon Ship · Venerated Warrior · Most Escape Alive · Trial by Ordeal · Greek Tragedy · Electromagnetic Awakening Party · Salvation Lies Above

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

Seal the Deal · Maxis Potential · Ravenov Implications · Entrapment · Tin Man Heart · Pyrrhic Victory

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Treyarch Zombies (Aether Story) (Chaos Story) (Dark Aether Story) (Timeline)

Main: Call of Duty: World at War · Call of Duty: Black Ops · Call of Duty: Black Ops II · Call of Duty: Black Ops III · Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 · Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War · Call of Duty: Vanguard
iOS/Android (Non-Canon): Call of Duty: Zombies · Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies
Other (Non-Canon): Call of Duty Black Ops DS


World at War: Nacht der Untoten · Verrückt · Shi No Numa · Der Riese
Black Ops: Kino der Toten · "Five" · Dead Ops Arcade · Ascension · Call of the Dead · Shangri-La · Moon
Black Ops II: Green Run (Bus Depot, Diner, Farm, Town) · Nuketown Zombies · Die Rise · Mob of the Dead (Cell Block) · Buried (Borough) · Origins
Black Ops III: Shadows of Evil · Dead Ops Arcade 2: Cyber's Avengening · The Giant · Der Eisendrache · Zetsubou No Shima · Gorod Krovi · Revelations
Black Ops 4: Voyage of Despair · IX · Blood of the Dead · Classified · Dead of the Night · Ancient Evil · Alpha Omega · Tag der Toten
Black Ops Cold War: · Die Maschine · Dead Ops Arcade 3: Rise of the Mamaback · Firebase Z · Mauer der Toten · Forsaken
Vanguard: Der Anfang
Black Ops DS (Non-Canon): House · Facility · Temple · Overlook

Playable Characters

World at War:
Marines · "Smokey" · John "Banana" · Paxton "Gunner" Ridge
"Tank" Dempsey · Nikolai Belinski · Takeo Masaki · Edward Richtofen
Black Ops:
"Tank" Dempsey · Nikolai Belinski · Takeo Masaki · Edward Richtofen/Samantha Maxis
John F. Kennedy · Robert McNamara · Richard Nixon · Fidel Castro
Sarah Michelle Gellar · Robert Englund · Danny Trejo · Michael Rooker
Black Ops II:
Abigail "Misty" Briarton · Marlton Johnson · Russman · Samuel J. Stuhlinger
Billy Handsome · Michael "Finn" O'Leary · Salvatore "Sal" DeLuca · Albert "Weasel" Arlington
"Tank" Dempsey · Nikolai Belinski · Takeo Masaki · Edward Richtofen
CDC Soldiers · CIA Agents
Alcatraz Guards · Alcatraz Prisoners
Black Ops III:
Nero Blackstone · Jessica Rose · Floyd Campbell · Jack Vincent
"Tank" Dempsey · Nikolai Belinski · Takeo Masaki · Edward Richtofen/Samantha Maxis
Black Ops 4:
Scarlett Rhodes · Bruno Delacroix · Diego Necalli · Stanton Shaw
Gideon Jones · Christina Fowler · Jonathan Warwick · Godfrey
"Tank" Dempsey · Nikolai Belinski · Takeo Masaki · Edward Richtofen
Abigail "Misty" Briarton · Marlton Johnson · Russman · Samuel J. Stuhlinger
Black Ops Cold War:
Kwan Song · Jason Hunter · Russell Adler · Frank Woods · Lawrence Sims · John Baker · Helen Park · Zeyna Ossou · Wyatt "Bulldozer" Jones · Terrell Wolf · Karla Rivas · Samantha Maxis · John Price · John Rambo · John McClane · Jabari Salah · Grigori Weaver · Colton "Stryker" Greenfield · Jason Hudson · Arthur Kingsley · Alex Mason
Sebastian Vargas · Jada Powers · Mendo Garcia · Yirina Portnova · Harry Stone · Ingo Beck · Vikhor "Stitch" Kuzmin · Kapano "Naga" Vang · Freya "Wraith" Helvig · Roman "Knight" Gray · Maxim Antonov · Owethu "Jackal" Mabuza · Kaori "Kitsune" Tanaka · Benito "Fuze" Ortega · Ghostface
Wade Jackson · Daniel Yatsu · Halima Zambardi
Arthur Kingsley · Constanze Muller · Padmavati Balan
Lucas Riggs · Roland Zeimet · Beatrice Mercier
Polina Petrova · Shigenori Ota · Solange Hardewijk
iOS/Android Exclusive (Non-Canon): Rook
Black Ops DS Characters (Non-Canon): Michael Shaw · Yuri Raslov

Non-Playable Characters

Demonic Announcer · Ludvig Maxis · Sophia · Peter McCain · H. Porter · Fluffy · Gersh · Yuri Zavoyski/Pentagon Thief · Harvey Yena · Pablo Marinus · Gary · Brock · Schuster · Groph · Bus Driver · George Barkley · Stanley Ferguson · Arthur · Shadowman · Wolf King · Lehmkuhl · Monty · Alistair Rhodes · Oracle · High Priest · Remus · Tiberius · Catherine · Perseus · Mackenzie Carver · Elizabeth Grey · Oskar Strauss · Raptor One · Orlov · Pavel Lazarev · Kazimir Zykov · Pyotr · Aleksandra Valentina · William Peck · Sergei Ravenov · Medvedev · Ulrich Vogel · Lukas Kurtz · Gorev · Lev Kravchenko · Notso Fluffy · Hugo Jager · The Forsaken · Gabriel Krafft · Wolfram Von List · Kortifex · Sparagmos · Norticus · Inviktor · Saraxis · Bellekar


Main Groups: USMC · Red Army · Imperial Japanese Army · Wehrmacht · Group 935 · Ascension Group · CIA · CDC · The Flesh · Alcatraz Guards · Alcatraz Prisoners · Broken Arrow · Division 9 · The Order · Requiem · Omega Group · BND · Projekt Endstation · Die Wahrheit

Quests/Easter Eggs

Normal: Fly Trap · Casimir Mechanism · Stand-in · Ensemble Cast · Time Travel Will Tell · Richtofen's Grand Scheme · Tower of Babble · High Maintenance · Pop Goes the Weasel/No One Escapes Alive · Mined Games · Little Lost Girl · Apocalypse Averted · My Brother's Keeper · Seeds of Doubt · Love and War · For The Good Of All · A Better Tomorrow · Abandon Ship · Venerated Warrior · Most Escape Alive · Cold War Remedy · Trial by Ordeal · Greek Tragedy · Electromagnetic Awakening Party · Salvation Lies Above · Seal the Deal · Maxis Potential · Ravenov Implications · Entrapment · Tin Man Heart · Pyrrhic Victory
Radios/Film Reels/T.V. Messages/Audio Logs/Telephone Messages/Wisps/Spectral Reflections: Nacht der Untoten · Verrückt · Shi No Numa · Der Riese · Kino der Toten · Ascension · Call of the Dead · Shangri-La · Moon · TranZit · Nuketown Zombies · Die Rise · Mob of the Dead · Origins · Shadows of Evil · The Giant · Der Eisendrache · Zetsubou No Shima · Gorod Krovi · Revelations · Voyage of Despair · IX · Blood of the Dead · Classified · Dead of the Night · Ancient Evil · Alpha Omega · Tag der Toten · Tag der Toten (Wisps) · Die Maschine · Forsaken · Der Anfang
Ciphers/Scrap Papers: Mob of the Dead · Origins · Shadows of Evil · The Giant · Der Eisendrache · Zetsubou No Shima · Gorod Krovi · Revelations · Blood of the Dead · Classified
Intel: Die Maschine · Zombies Onslaught · Firebase Z · Outbreak · Mauer der Toten · Forsaken
iOS (Non-Canon): Peter's Grave

Quest Items

Vril Device · Focusing Stone · Vril Sphere · Navcard · Warden's Key · Gramophone · Summoning Key · Gateworm · Code Cylinder · Dragon Egg · Blood Vials · Sentinel Artifacts · Elemental Shard · Vril Vessel · Agarthan Device

Wonder Weapons

Ray Gun · Wunderwaffe DG-2 · Thundergun · Winter's Howl · V-R11 · Scavenger · 31-79 JGb215 · Wave Gun · Sliquifier · Blundergat · Ray Gun Mark II · Paralyzer · Elemental Staffs (Ice · Fire · Wind · Lightning) · Apothicon Servant · Wrath of the Ancients · KT-4 · GKZ-45 Mk3 · Kraken · Death of Orion · Alistair's Folly · Savage Impaler · Hand of Gaia · Hand of Charon · Hand of Hemera · Hand of Ouranos · Tundra Gun · Decompressive Isotopic Estrangement Machine · Reactorniy Avtomat-Izluchatel Kuhlklay-84 · Conversion-Ready Binary Repeater-Standard · Chrysalax
Specialist: Apothicon Sword · Ragnarok DG-4 · Skull of Nan Sapwe · Gauntlet of Siegfried · Chakrams of Vengeance · Hammer of Valhalla · Scepter of Ra · Viper and Dragon · Hellfire · Ragnarok DG-5 · Overkill · Path of Sorrows
Equipment: Thrustodyne Aeronautics Model 23 · Time Bomb · Spider Bait · Dragon Strike
Tactical: Monkey Bomb · Gersh Device · Matryoshka Dolls · Quantum Entanglement Device · Hell's Retriever · G-Strike · Li'l Arnie · Homunculus · LT53 Kazimir
Melee: Golden Spork · One Inch Punch
Attachment: Sekhmet's Vigor


"Five": Electro-Shock Defenses
TranZit: Turbine · Zombie Shield · Turret · Electric Trap · Thrustodyne Aeronautics Model 23 · NAV Table · Bus · Power Switch · Pack-a-Punch Machine
Die Rise: Sliquifier · Trample Steam · NAV Table
Mob of the Dead: Icarus · Zombie Shield · Acid Gat Kit
Buried: NAV Table · Subsurface Resonator · Head Chopper · Trample Steam · Turbine · Guillotine · Gallows
Origins: Maxis Drone · Zombie Shield · Elemental Staffs
Shadows of Evil: Apothicon Servant · Rocket Shield · Civil Protector · Rituals
Der Eisendrache: Rocket Shield · Ragnarok DG-4
Zetsubou No Shima: Zombie Shield · KT-4 · Gas Mask · Machine Tools
Gorod Krovi: Guard of Fafnir · Dragon Network Controller
Revelations: Guard of Fafnir · Keeper Protector
Voyage of Despair: Ballistic Shield · Upgrade Station
IX: Brazen Bull · Acid Trap
Blood of the Dead: Acid Gat Kit · Spectral Shield
Classified: Riot Shield · Teleporter Signal Amplifier · Electro-Shock Defenses
Dead of the Night: Ballistic Shield · Chaos Theory · Alistair's Annihilator · Stake Knife · Silver Melter · Silver Bullet Dispenser
Ancient Evil: Apollo's Will · Pegasus Strike
Alpha Omega: Riot Shield · Teleporter · Ray Gun Mark II
Tag der Toten: Heat Pack · Dynamite · Riot Shield
Die Maschine: Aetherscope
Mauer der Toten: Hacking Helm · Improvised Collider
Forsaken: Aetherium Neutralizer


Normal: Zombie · Hellhound · Crawler Zombie · Pentagon Thief · Space Monkey · George A. Romero · Zombie Monkey · Napalm Zombie · Shrieker Zombie · Astronaut Zombie · Avogadro · Denizen · Jumping Jack · Brutus · Ghost · Edward Richtofen · Crusader Zombie · Templar Zombie · Panzer Soldat · Margwa · Parasite · Keeper · Insanity Elemental · Shadowman · Skeleton · Thrasher · Spiders · Giant Spider · Giant Thrasher · Valkyrie Drone · Russian Mangler Soldier · Electrified Zombie · Dragon · R.A.P.S. · Modified Manticore Mech (Nikolai Belinski) · Apothicon · Furies · Catalyst · Stoker · Tiger · Marauder · Destroyer · Fury · Wrath · Blightfather · Nosferatus · Werewolf · Crimson Nosferatu · Shadow Werewolf · Spartoi · Gegenees · Corrupted Pegasus · Zombie Warlord · Jolting Jack · Nova 6 Bomber · Lightning Hound · A.D.A.M · Megaton · Plaguehound · Heavy Zombie · Mimic · Armored Zombie · Orda · Tempest · Krasny Soldat · Disciple · Tormentor · Aleksandra Valentina · Abomination · The Forsaken · Sturmkrieger · Boom Schreier
Dead Ops Arcade & Dead Ops Arcade 2: Cyber's Avengening: Prisoner Zombie · Engineer Zombie · Bulls · Cosmic Silverback · Cyber Silverback · Shadow Boogie · Red & Dead


Mystery Box · Sniper Cabinet · Power Switch · Electro-Shock Defenses · Flogger · Zipline · MTD · Mainframe · Pack-a-Punch Machine · Elevator · Turret · Fire Pit · Lunar Lander · Flinger · Ice Slide · Water Slide · Mine Cart · Geyser · Reservoir Trap · Gravity Lift · Bus · Weapon Locker · Bank · NAV Table · Gondola · Fan Trap · Acid Trap · Tower Trap · Voltmeter · Number Pad · Booze · Candy · Mark IV Tank · 115 Generators · Rituals of the Ancients · Shovel · Golden Helmet · GobbleGum · Liquid Divinium · Tram · Chain Trap · Death Ray · Wundersphere · Gate Trap · Fan Trap · Propeller Trap · Sewer Pipe · Trials of the Ancients · Gigant Finger Trap · Gigant Eye Beam Trap · Flinger Trap · Trials · Bridge · Groph Pod · Elixirs · Exfil · Crafting Table · Ammo Cache · Aether Reactor · Rampage Inducer · Altar of Covenants
Field Upgrades: Aether Shroud · Energy Mine · Frost Blast · Healing Aura · Ring of Fire · Frenzied Guard · Toxic Growth · Tesla Storm


Classic: Quick Revive · Double Tap Root Beer · Speed Cola · Juggernog · Stamin-Up · PhD Flopper · Deadshot Daiquiri · Mule Kick · Tombstone Soda · Who's Who · Electric Cherry · Vulture Aid · Der Wunderfizz · Widow's Wine · Elemental Pop · Death Perception · PhD Slider
Black Ops 4 Exclusive: Timeslip · Electric Burst · Dying Wish · Stone Cold Stronghold · Victorious Tortoise · Deadshot Dealer · Bandolier Bandit · Winter's Wail · Secret Sauce · Ethereal Razor · Zombshell · Blood Wolf Bite · Blaze Phase
Vanguard Demonic Fountains: Aethereal Haste · Demonic Frenzy · Diabolical Damage · Fiendish Fortitude · Venomous Vigor
Canceled Perks: Pronaide · Tufbrew · Amm-O-Matic · Candolier


Normal: Carpenter · Max Ammo · Insta-Kill · Nuke · Double Points · Death Machine · Fire Sale · Bonfire Sale · Random Perk · Lightning Bolt · Bonus Points · Zombie Flesh · Cure · Zombie Blood · Blood Money · Empty Perk Bottle · Tram Fuse · Seed · Odin Drop · Full Power · Max Armor
Dead Ops Arcade & Dead Ops Arcade 2: Cyber's Avengening: Gem · Barrel · SPAS-12 · Chicken · Monkey Bomb · Electric Orb · Teddy Bear · M2 Flamethrower · China Lake · Ray Gun · RPG · Boots · Death Machine · Nuke · Lightning Bolt · Soldier Statue · Turret · Helicopter · Tank · First Person · Umbrella · Skull · R.A.P.S. · Saw · Boxing Gloves · Skeleton · Ammo Box · Night Fury · Vortex · Missile Launcher · Purifier · War Machine · KRM-262 · BlackCell
Cut: Zombie Head


Agartha · Afterlife · Air Lock · Centrifuge · Cerberus · Character Dolls · Civil Protector · Dark Aether · DEFCON · Dragon · Dragon Wings · Egg Bowl · Element 115 · Excavator · FlaK 88 · Fumigator · Giant Robot · Hacker · Harvest Pod · Kronorium · Margwa Head · Mark of the Beast · Mask · Maxis Diary · M.P.D. · Mud-Pit Maze · Multiverse · Panzersoldat Claw Helmet · Persistent Upgrades · P.E.S. · Points · Punji Stakes · Redins Rally · Rituals · Shadows of Evil The Ride · Teddy Bear · Upgraded weapons · Weapon Kits · Valkyrie Drone Hat


Verrückt · Shi No Numa · Der Riese · Kino der Toten · "Five" · Ascension · Call of the Dead · Shangri-La · Moon · TranZit · Nuketown Zombies · Die Rise · Mob of the Dead · Buried · Origins · Shadows of Evil · The Giant · Der Eisendrache · Zetsubou No Shima · Gorod Krovi · Revelations · IX · Blood of the Dead · Classified · Dead of the Night · Alpha Omega
Tutorial (Zombies) · Tutorial (Black Ops Zombies) · Stand-in · Time Travel Will Tell · Richtofen's Grand Scheme

Musical Easter Eggs and Soundtracks

"Damned" (Re · 100ae · 3 · Echoes of the) · "WTF" · "Undone" · "Lullaby for a Dead Man" · "The One" · "Beauty of Annihilation" (The Giant Remix) · "115" · "Won't Back Down" · "Abracadavre" · "Abra Macabre" · "A Slight Chance of Zombies" · "Clockwork Squared" · "Raining Teddy Bears" · "Zombies Don't Surf" · "A Cold Wind Blows" · "Not Ready to Die" · "Paraphony" · "Samantha's Lullaby" (Magic Mix) · "Pareidolia" (8-bit) · "Coming Home" (8-bit) · "Nightmare" · "Voice In Your Head" · "Carry On" · "Imma Try It Out" · "Carrion" · "Lovesong for a Deadman" · "We All Fall Down" · "Rusty Cage" · "Where Are We Going" · "Always Running" · "Archangel" · "Shepherd of Fire" · "Aether" · "Snakeskin Boots" (Instrumental) · "Cold Hard Cash" · "Dead Again" (Theatrical) · "Requiem" · "Dead Flowers" · "Dead Ended" · "Ace of Spades" · "Samantha's Sorrow" · "The Gift" · "Remember Forever" · "Mad Hatter" · "Drowning" · "Shockwave" · "Mystery" · "Stormbound" · "I Am The Well" · "A Light from the Shore" · "Alone" · "Lost" · "Amerika Infiltration" · "Brave" · "Amoeba" · Samantha's Ballad
Soundtracks: Zombies Soundtrack · Mob of the Dead Soundtrack · Origins Soundtrack

Areas within Maps

Dead Ops Arcade Locations: Island · Courtyard · Prison · Cave · Marketplace · Urban · Street · Facility · Forest · Tropical Forest · The Armory · The Bonus Room
Green Run Stops: Bus Depot (Green Run) · Diner · Farm · Power Station · Town
Other Green Run Locations: Tunnel · The Prototype · Pylon · Hunter's Cabin
Mob of the Dead: Alcatraz Island · Sunset Strip · Cell Block · Golden Gate Bridge
Buried: Processing · Borough · The Rift
Origins: Dig Site · The Crazy Place
Shadows of Evil: Junction · Waterfront · Footlight · Canals · The Rift
Die Maschine:Omega Outpost
iOS/Android Exclusive: Tutorial (Zombies) · Tutorial (Black Ops Zombies)


Survival · Grief · Turned · TranZit · Rush · Gauntlet · Onslaught · Jingle Hells · Cranked · Outbreak · Containment
Cut: Payload · Race · Meat

The Room of Fate (Dead Ops Arcade)

The Fate of Firepower · The Fate of Furious Feet · The Fate of Fortitude · The Fate of Friendship

Central Intelligence Agency Data System

Servers: Dreamland · DerRiese Server
Users: Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer · Dr. Vannevar Bush · T. Walker

Awakening Sleeping Call of Duty Black Ops 4
